Info for Developers of Microsoft HoloLens

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HoloLens 公式動画日本語訳 - Chevron uses Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and HoloLens to improve performance

Chevron uses Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and HoloLens to improve performance











なので、Chevron は Dynamics 365 Remote Assistを2つのコアシナリオで使用します。

1つ目は、リモート エキスパートであり、世界中のどこにいても1分以内に専門家を呼び出すことができます。









すぐに使えるソリューションは、Chevron にとって重要です。なぜなら、私たちには、ソリューションを構築して長期的に維持するための専門知識を持っていないからです。

私たちはソフトウェア企業ではありません。Microsoft と同じように進めるつもりはありません。長期的にみて、それは私たちにとって効率的ではないのです。

私たちは100個以上の HoloLens を手に入れました。

ノートPCや携帯電話のようにひとつのデバイスとして捉えていて、ゆくゆくは数千の HoloLens を使いたいと考えています。

Chevron の視点から見ると、HoloLensはまさに新しいテクノロジーです。HoloLens は私たちは過去にできなかったことをできるようにしています。


Chevron’s journey with innovation has been going on for over 100 years.

What Chevron is looking for in new technologies is basically technologies that are different, they bring a lot of value into the company, they increase our safety within the company, and bring financial savings to us.

We have to have reliable and incident free operation because that’s when the refinery is up and most stable and in its safest mode.

Even a second of down time is significant, given the volume and scale that these facilities operate on.

The refinery itself is a set of hardware.

Really what makes the difference in a performance and utilization space is how our people interact with that hardware and that’s where technology comes in.

Being able to use technology to improve our communication, makes our lives more efficient and allows us to spend our time on more value added work.

When we first saw the HoloLens, this was just a transformational technology.

This is a technology that’s going to take us to the next level of digitization.

So Chevron uses Dynamics 365 Remote Assist for two core scenarios.

The first one being remote expert where we put any expert anywhere in the world in under a minute.

And the other one being remote inspection where we allow our inspectors to inspect the construction and the operations of our facility in real time.

We have facilities all over the globe.

We have facilities in areas that we can’t get to all the time.

So being able to digitally transform that expert into the field within a minute or so, is foundational and just transformative.

It saves our engineers and our folks tons of time in how they go about doing their normal work, every single day.

That’s a tremendous reduction in operating expense for us as a refinery, but also it makes their job a whole lot easier.

It’s critical that the team’s able to innovate and change.

That’s really what gives us the competitive advantage against other refineries.

Out of box solutions are important to Chevron because we simply don’t have the expertise to build those solutions and maintain them long term.

We’re not a software company, we’re not going to do it as well as a Microsoft would, and its just not cost efficient for us in the long term.

We’ve acquired over 100 HoloLenses.

It’s been another device just like our laptops and our phones, and we hope to get to thousands of HoloLenses.

From a Chevron perspective, the HoloLens is just a brand new technology that is enabling us to do things we couldn’t do in the past.